Obstetric Services

Routine and High-Risk Obstetrical Care
Preconception Counseling
Early Pregnancy Consultation
Obstetrical Ultrasounds
In-Office Fetal Monitoring
Postpartum Care

At Biltmore OB-Gyn, we know that having a baby is an extraordinary experience. We appreciate that each pregnancy and birth is unique, and we help to support your vision of the perfect birth experience with the goal of healthy mom and healthy baby. We support a wide range of delivery options, including natural childbirth, pain control with epidural, and VBAC. Our goal is to avoid unnecessary interventions and cesarean sections. We are proud to report one of the lowest primary cesarean rates in the community with our last two quarters of 2017 ranging from 9-12%, well below the national average of 22%.
We enjoy caring for both low risk and high risk obstetrical patients. High risk conditions we commonly care for include advanced maternal age, IVF, twins, gestational diabetes, hypertension, and previous uterine surgery. As a cohesive group of obstetricians and Certified Nurse Midwifes, we have a provider on call 24/7, and our patients know they can contact us at any time.

Our physicians and Certified Nurse Midwives take turns being responsible for patients in the hospital. The midwives are also backed up by a physician for urgent or emergent issues with laboring or pregnant patients